AFLW - Buy '25, Get '24

AFLW - Buy '25, Get '24
Monthly $ 7.90

Our girls are finals bound! Join today as a 2025 AFLW Access member and get priority access to purchase finals tickets for season 2024.

Package Inclusions

icon / trophy Created with Sketch.

Priority access to purchase 2024 AFLW finals tickets

ticket Created with Sketch.

General admission access to all 2025 AFLW home and away games

icon / pack Created with Sketch.

2025 AFLW member pack - souvenir card and bumper sticker

Membership Benefits

Contribute to the official membership tally

10% off at the Roo Shop

Member discounts and offers from our partners

Exclusive member access through Member First content

Monthly Yearly
Adult - Game access $7.90 $79
Junior - Game access $4 $40
Family - Game access (2+2) $19.50 $195

Monthly payment option is divided across 10 months starting October 15 for applicable memberships.

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